Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Name Game

No, I'm not referring to the silly rhyming game adults make kids play until some older-than-his-years child wants to rhyme with the name "Chuck". Our name game is trying to keep the name we have selected for our baby a secret. There are only a few family member who know and we've worked hard to not let the name slip out too often. While we've been very upfront with people about the adoption process, the name is one secret we like to keep to ourselves.

Of course, friends and co-workers like to have a name to refer to our baby. So, independent of each other, both of our sets of co-workers have created names for our baby that are based upon our first names. Where I work, the baby is referred to as Michaelena, while Janie's co-workers talk about baby Janette. Too funny!


Blogger Martiel said...

what is her name? kidding. It is a big secret...you can whisper it to me? ;) I have a name I like in a girl. I feel the same way, I don't want to let too many people know of the name because it is not all that common and want to keep it that way, till I someday have a girl (maybe)and can name her the name I have had in mind for years. But common, what is her name? ;)

9:29 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Hi! I just found your blog and I have to say I completely understand the secrecy. Will you reveal the name at the time of referral? Or homecoming? Hopefully that referral will be speedy :) Take care.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved keeping my baby's proposed names a secred while I was pregnant. (We didn't know the sex either until birth.) We told everyone Throckmorton if it was a boy or Prunilla if it was a girl.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

picking out baby names is so much fun!! Actually we have changed our mind several times tho over the last 3 years of trying to bring a baby into our family. I think we are finally settled tho. I not much for keeping it a secret tho. So why don't you just secret e-mail it to me? hee! hee!
P.S. you can add our webpage to your list if you want to.

8:52 PM  

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